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How is it done?

Put the BellaBambi® cup (mini or original) on your thumb like a thimble. Let the tip of the BellaBambi® glide over the skin until a pain or trigger point can be felt. Press there with constant or increasing intensity until the pain goes away. At the same time, rotate the cup slightly if you feel like it.

Note: Let it “melt down” and give it time, deal with the pressure sensitively.

What happens?

With trigger point treatments, blood circulation can be restored and the muscles can be supplied with sufficient oxygen. Pain receptors in the fascia can be retuned and relaxing messenger substances can be released. Beneficial for headaches in the temple area or selective pain, eg in the area of the spine.

The "Golgi point therapy" and the "Periosteal massage according to Dr. Vogler”, the pressing technique can not only stimulate free nerve endings in the connective tissue. The periosteum and joint capsules are also fascial tissue structures that are heavily innervated by nerves and can be stimulated by pressing.

In addition, myofascial trigger point massage of the head, neck and shoulders can decrease heart rate and blood pressure, improve emotional state and relieve muscle tension (Delaney et al., 2022).

Typical exercises with Pressing

Identify the tense area on the forearm. Use the tip of the cup and run it over the skin. Once you have found a painful area, you can press the cup on it with constant or increasing intensity until the pain subsides. Repeat
the exercise several times.

Tip: You can insert a small cup into the large one and then place both cups on your thumb or index finger like a thimble to apply more targeted pressure.

For this exercise we recommend:
BellaBambi® cupping-set (REGULAR / INTENSIVE)
FASZIO® cupping-set (ACTIVE)

Use the tip of the cup to apply pressure to the trigger point or painful area. Repeat the exercise several times.

Tip: You can insert a small cup into the large one and then place both cups on your thumb or index finger like a thimble to apply more targeted

For this exercise we recommend:
BellaBambi® cupping-set (REGULAR / INTENSIVE)
FASZIO® cupping-set (ACTIVE)

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